Company information

Factiva - PROQUEST (20 simultaneous access)
Companies and markets information : news, company report, financial reports.
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Hoovers' Company Profiles - PROQUEST
More than 45 000 company profiles and more than 225 000 "leaders" profiles.

Xerfi Knowledge - GROUPE XERFI
• 350 Sector studies France: distribution, industry, business services
• "Global" studies: international studies on 60 major global sectors, 40 reports on major international groups
• 60 Group and company studies in France in the banking, distribution, luxury goods, transport and industry sectors
• 100 HR Employment Studies: analysis of changes in the workforce, changes in professions, employee profiles, salary practices, training, etc.
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Tutorial (French)

Xerfi Canal
The Xerfi channel provides more than 1,000 learning videos, in the form of interviews, on management, strategy, economics and business, produced by experts in their discipline.