The Library has recently subscribed to Wharton-WRDS, which provides access to a wide range of financial and economic data, making it an essential tool for business intelligence and quantitative data research. WRDS provides access to the following databases:
- Compustat (North America, Execucomp)
- CRSP (1925 US Stock Database, 1925 US Index Database, Survivor-Bias-Free US Mutual Fund Database)
- Bank Regulatory
- Blockholders
- CBOE Indexes
- Contributed Data
- DMEF Academic Data
- Dow Jones Averages and Total Return Indexes
- Fama-French Portfolios and Factors
- Federal Reserve Bank Reports
- MSRB - Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
- OTC Markets
- Penn World Tables
- Peters and Taylor Total Q
- Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX)
- Public Data
- Research Quotient
- SEC-mandated Disclosure of Order Execution Statistics
- OTC Corporate Bond and Agency Debt Bond Transaction Data.
For more details :
WRDS Vimeo Channel :